Editing Services

Flash Fiction Editing

Do you have a flash or micro fiction that’s floundering in the submission queue? A story that starts off great, but loses momentum or characters that lack agency? Maybe you don’t know what’s wrong with the hook or you haven’t been able to stick the landing? Maybe the story is near perfect, but it needs a final polish?

Let me help you make your story resonate! My critiques will give you a deeper perspective on hooks, point of view, character agency, and possible places to submit for publication. As the editor of a literary magazine, I’ve read thousands of pieces of micro and flash fiction. I’ve lead workshops for Barrelhouse, Bending Genres, and the Lafayette Writer’s Workshop. I have has been previously published in the BULL Magazine, The MacGuffin, The Lascaux Review, New World Writing, Pithead Chapel, and New Flash Fiction Review. My stories have been included in the Best Microfiction 2019 and 2020 and Best Small Fictions 2019. I am the winner of the Lascaux Review Short Story Prize 2019.

Micro/Flash Fiction Editing Includes:

-Micro (1-400 words): $20

-Flash (401-1,000 words): $25

-Extensive Margin comments, light line edits & 1 page editor memo

-1-2 week turnaround time

*Zoom Meeting: additional $20 fee

Quick Review Includes:

-Opening 100-200 words only: $10

-Editorial focus: hook, setting, initial conflict

-Margin comments, light line edits & 1 page editor memo

-1+ week turnaround time

Monthly Editing Retainer Includes:

-Up to 4-5 micros/flashes or equivalent drafts of same story

-Either 2 Zoom meetings or 2 phone calls per month

-Weekly email or DM check-ins

-Extensive Margin comments, light line edits & 1 page editor memo per story

-$200 per month

“Holy smokes!!! This is way more than $20 worth of feedback. You took such time and care with this. I have never sought out editorial feedback before but I knew there was something so deeply problematic with this and I was having trouble with direction to continue to future drafts. You have highlighted several issues that were gnawing at me under the surface. I’m going to rewrite the piece with the feedback in mind. You’re awesome, Tommy!”

-E. James